Hatoful Boyfriend.

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Hatoful Boyfriend.

Postby Zilla » Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:21 pm

This game.

This game is...


Premise: You are a human girl, attending a school for gifted birds. You can date them.

Execution: OMG. Did I just get murdered by a psychotic partridge? Did that dove just beat me in a footrace? That parakeet has a motorcyclce! @_@ :D!!

This game is amazing.

I read a Let's Play of the game, and that LP alone is worth your time.

"I have a horrible cold and I am miserable so naturally I am dating pigeons," it starts.

I bought the game after reading the LP. It was worth the $5, even if I don't play any more of it (which isn't the case).
Head of the Haven of Aeternalae forums. Now 80% less threatening, 150% more cute, and 200% more loving!:D
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