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Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:40 pm
by Alexis
So my WoW guild is planning to up and leave the server we are on to move to another one, I don't particularly want to spend another 100 bucks just to continue playing soemthing I am not all that keen on...(really unimpressed by 3.1) the only interesting content it looks like I could possible get from it would be in Raiding and I'd have to get a whole new guild to think I am worth taking as Dps... so not really an option here.

I am not really big on going back to COh either, since it seems to have become the land of the Farmers with the new stuff that makes it even easier...

So anyone want to suggest something else?

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:35 pm
by Sasha
well nothing really new is going to be out for a while. Only big things coming out soon are the new Star wars MMO and star Trek online both look good but most are saying they will not surpass wow thou. You could try FFXI thou

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:47 pm
by Alexis
I know nothing's objectively new, but there's stuff out there I have clearly never played that someone may have and may have good things to say about

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:58 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
I've only played a few MMOs (all but one being free), so I probably don't have much in the way of suggestions. But I figure it won't hurt to mention a few that I thought/think were/are okay.

Seal Online (I played it when it was in Chinese. But I think it's in English, now.)
Asda Story
Ether Saga (What I'm currently playing.)

It probably goes without saying that I prefer anime style(-ish) games. Eh.

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:59 pm
by Alexis
Empyrean Nikkou wrote:I've only played a few MMOs (all but one being free), so I probably don't have much in the way of suggestions. But I figure it won't hurt to mention a few that I thought/think were/are okay.

Seal Online (I played it when it was in Chinese. But I think it's in English, now.)
Asda Story
Ether Saga (What I'm currently playing.)

It probably goes without saying that I prefer anime style(-ish) games. Eh.

I actually tried Ether Saga, but noticed there was no AH system for selling neat drops, and don't like the whole "go to sleep leaving your character logged in" thing.

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:17 pm
by Dracos
I figure I might as well weigh in on what I've played...

Everquest 2: I've played it for many moons, have a max level character, and would never recommend anyone new play it. Way too old for a non-wow MMO, so it has no groups until max level and the soloing is sub-par.

Warhammer Online: I've played it a little, and it seemed pretty good, but I did not care for the wow-style gameplay. If you enjoyed wow, you might find it appealing, especially if you are interested in Warhammer lore. It's more PvP oriented than raid oriented with good soloability.

Guild Wars: A great game, lots of fun, but it is not exactly an MMO, even according to the game's designers. Despite not being an MMO, it's won the title of Best MMO, attesting to how awesome it is. The game is designed to be based on PvP, but has a great storyline and groupage if you are not into that. In PvE, only your group is fighting rather than being in a world with all the other players, which is why the game designers do not consider it an MMO. A sequel is currently scheduled for December 31, 2010. Also, this game has no subscription fee, which is a plus.

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:53 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Alexis wrote:I actually tried Ether Saga, but noticed there was no AH system for selling neat drops, and don't like the whole "go to sleep leaving your character logged in" thing.

I don't know what an AH system is, but I agree, overall. I much prefer the kind in Asda Story, where you can put up what you're selling, no matter what channel (I think), and go about your business. (Although how much you can sell at a time is limited.) Ether Saga has a trading realm (channel), but I lag like mad when I go there, because of all of the shops set up, and people browsing them. I don't much like having to sit around to sell something, or spam messages so people can see it (since a lot of other people often shout what they are selling/buying, and make things speed by in the chat box).

Dracos wrote:Guild Wars: A great game, lots of fun, but it is not exactly an MMO, even according to the game's designers. Despite not being an MMO, it's won the title of Best MMO, attesting to how awesome it is. The game is designed to be based on PvP, but has a great storyline and groupage if you are not into that. In PvE, only your group is fighting rather than being in a world with all the other players, which is why the game designers do not consider it an MMO. A sequel is currently scheduled for December 31, 2010. Also, this game has no subscription fee, which is a plus.

This is that one game that I spent money on. Just to buy the game, but still. Anyway, I thought it was good. But I didn't get too far since I'm not into PvP, don't have much in the way of friends to party with, and I'm too shy and aloof to party with strangers. In the end I couldn't complete what I needed to do alone, so I stopped playing it. I also couldn't manage a pet... Ah, well.

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:56 pm
by Alexis
Dracos wrote:
Warhammer Online: I've played it a little, and it seemed pretty good, but I did not care for the wow-style gameplay. If you enjoyed wow, you might find it appealing, especially if you are interested in Warhammer lore. It's more PvP oriented than raid oriented with good soloability.

I found it to be pretty much a raping of warhammer lore... there should not be an obvious "good guys and bad guys" also a lack of Lizardmen and rat people.

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:36 pm
by Dracos
True. As a lizardman player, I was very disappointed. My friend who plays Dark Elves, however, was quite happy with playing a Witch Elf.

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:44 pm
by Alexis
Dracos wrote:True. As a lizardman player, I was very disappointed. My friend who plays Dark Elves, however, was quite happy with playing a Witch Elf.

I am not happy at the "Alliance of Good Vs Evil" Throw in the Vampire Counts helping Order and you ahve Warhammer

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:06 pm
by Queen Octavia
I recommend Diablo 1 ^^

Re: Need a New MMO

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:24 am
by Stray-chan
You should give Kingdom of Loathing a shot! It's a free, browser based RPG with actual depth in mechanics. It's also a parody of MMORPGs and loaded with pop culture references and shout outs to all kinds of things. I've played it since 2005 and it has remained compelling and entertaining the whole time. I highly recommend it.