Gokudo-kun Manyuki

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Gokudo-kun Manyuki

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:54 am

I came across this, enjoyed it, and thought I'd share it. You can watch it here.

It has some TG in it, and then an extended bodyswap, for anyone interested in those particular details. But if you're not interested in semi-nonsensical action/adventure/fantasy/comedy with slapstick and gags aplenty, that probably won't matter to you. It won me over simply because it actually had some fart gags in it. But what else do you expect from me? ;p Okay, so maybe not that alone... But it was still amusing.

So, yeah, just thought I'd make a post about it... not that I have anything better to do. <_<;
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.
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Mitera Nikkou
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